BrainHub Services

Video Counselling

The majority of my therapy work is conducted using video calls meaning clients can access therapy from any safe space they wish and can connect with me from all over the world. I use a program called Wherby to conduct my video sessions which is secure and compliant for UK data protection and can be access from pc, tablet or smart phones.

The sessions generally are held weekly or fortnightly. You should choose a space to conduct the session from which feels safe, comfortable and you won’t be disturbed.

We request that clients inform us ideally a week in advance of when they would like their next session and payment must be received 48 hours prior to the session, (as per client contract). Cancellation with less than 48 hours will still be charged for (except in emergency situations). Sessions can be scheduled at shorter notice depending on Counsellor availability.

If this form of counselling is something you would like to explore further please do not hesitate to contact me on or via my phone number and I will happily talk you through it and answer any questions you may have.