BrainHub Services

Phone Counselling

It can be more convenient for the client as it can be held at any time from any place that you feel comfortable and can be from your “safe” space. It also removes for some the intimidating prospect of sitting face to face with a counsellor, removing the eye contact and for some the stigma of talking about mental health. BrainHub CPW values your privacy and your Counsellor will always be working from a secure, private, location and our Privacy policy and Confidentiality section of the client contract are the same as they would be in face to face counselling.

We still offer the same person centred therapy that we would in person, this means the client is in control and leads the session and can talk through any subjects that they wish as they would in a face to face session. We would still hold a shorter 30 min session prior to the commencement of full sessions to go through the assessment form, Client Contract and to ensure that there is a full understanding and expectations of the service and that you feel comfortable and that it is appropriate for the client.

Appointments are generally held once a week at a time agreed prior to the session. This can be adapted if appropriate at the wishes of the client – however we are not a crisis service so can only be available at pre-determined appointment times. The counsellor will call the client at the agreed time. As with our face to face service payment is required a minimum of 48 hours prior to the appointment via BACS. If payment has not been received the counsellor will email or text the client to remind them and check, they still want the appointment. If payment is still not made and you have not discussed this with your counsellor then the session will not go ahead.

Phone calls can be made using traditional phone numbers or Wi-Fi calling if preferred by the client. We will ask the client for a second form of contact in case the call cannot be made.

It is important when using telephone counselling that you have a comfortable space, where you can talk openly and will not be disturbed during the session.
BrainHub CPW would encourage anyone who is interested in potentially using the phone service that we offer, to contact us and discuss your thoughts and worries with us, we are happy to answer any questions and to discuss whether this is an appropriate service for you.